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Daring as it is to investigate
the unknown, even more so it is
to question the known. I have
ascertained by full enquiry, that
Utopia lies outside the bounds
of the known world.




1. Ayn Rand
2. Anonymous
3. Freud
4. The Eagles
5. The Gospel According to St. Thomas
6. Joe Campbell
7. George Gilder, The Spirit of Enterprise
8. Schiller
9. Edgar Mitchell
10. Bucky Fuller
11. Albert Schweitzer
12. Bucky Fuller
13. Napoleon Hill
14. Anonymous
15. Arthur Young
16. Dogen
17. William James
18. Ben Franklin
19. Upanishads
20. Holderin
21. Blake
22. Camus
23. Joe Campbell
24. Swedenberg
25. Robert Frost
26. Alan Kay
27. Don Juan
28. All Infopreneurs
29. Goethe
30. Stewart Brand
31. Anonymous
32. Einstein
33. The National Commission on Excellence in Education

34. Niccolo Machiavelli
35. Francis Bacon
36. Sam Walter Fass
37. Thomas Wolfe
38. Edward Fitzgerald
39. Jim Morrison
40. Kaspar
41. Goethe
42. William James
43. Duane Elgin
44. Anonymous